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Multiple H1 Headings: How to Handle Them for SEO & Accessibility

Ask google webmaster

An episode of ask Google webmasters, Google’s John Mueller answer a question about multiple h1 headings and how to handle them.   This is a pretty common question and it’s pretty straightforward. Google doesn’t have a problem when it comes to multiple h1 headings on a page that’s a fairly common pattern on the web. Google uses headings to better …

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Think Mobile First When Designing Your Website

responsive web design

Think Mobile First When Designing Your Website by business2community. Mobile-friendly website design should be a top priority in 2020 to ensure that your visitors have the same user experience across the board from a smartphone, desktop or a tablet. There’s nothing worse than viewing a poorly rendered website on a mobile device and struggling to read overlapping text with cluttered …

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Risk of Gum Disease

Singapore dental surgery

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, smokers have double the risk of gum disease compared with nonsmokers and are four times more likely to have advanced periodontal disease. The more cigarettes smoked and the longer a person smokes, the greater the risk. That’s why we ask smokers how much they smoke per day and how long they have …

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