Physio Active Back Pain Treatment Approach

Skilled, expert neck and back pain treatment is the key to relieving your back and neck problems. We effectively address practically any spinal issue or condition that causes you back pain or limits your movement and activities through many treatment options including exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and massage.

Neck and back pain can result from a number of injuries and conditions including strain, injuries, congenital disorders, and age-related disease. Unfortunately, pain is not the only symptom of neck and back issues. Since the majority of the body’s nerve signals pass through the spinal cord, spinal injuries and disease can easily cause movement dysfunction as well.

Our modern lifestyles often lead to neck and back problems. This is particularly true of mobile device use and prolonged sitting with office work. The forward head posture encouraged by these activities puts a huge amount of strain on your neck and back. In fact, the forward head carriage can cause up to 14 kg of extra pressure on your spine.

This is why Physio Active provides posture training in addition to other neck and back pain treatments. Our expert therapists will guide you on proper ergonomics and good posture to have your pain free and prevent future issues.

Common Causes of Back Neck Pain
When the anatomy of the spine undergoes changes, it can lead to chronic back pain. The reasons vary. Often, normal wear-and-tear affects one or more lumbar spinal discs, causing a degenerative disc disease. As well as this, it is not uncommon for the gel-like substance inside the disc to leak outward, affecting nearby nerve roots, joints, or muscles.

In some cases, back pain results from problems with the vertebrae and joints, such as:
• Spinal stenosis
• Isthmic spondylolisthesis
• Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
Common risk factors for back pain include obesity, advanced age, smoking, long hours of standing or sitting, sudden impact, heavy lifting. Overall, any activity or lifestyle factor that puts excessive stress on the spine can lead to pain.

Next, neck pain can also happen for different reasons and involve any of the tissues in that part of the body. Examples of diseases and disorders resulting in neck pain:
• Virus infections in the throat
• Neck strain
• Pinched nerve
• Degenerative disc disease
• Herniated disc
Sometimes the muscles themselves are affected by conditions which cause the problem – e.g. polymyalgia rheumatics and fibromyalgia. Another possible reason is uncomfortable positioning during sleep.
Some risk factors for pain located in the neck include motor-vehicle accidents, horse riding, contact sports, and bull riding.
How can I care for my neck and back?
While 8 out of 10 people will experience a back problem at some time in their lives, back pain recurring from improper body mechanics is often preventable.

Learn to maintain a proper posture, lift objects correctly, and avoid sudden movements that strain the back. Setting up an ergonomically correct workstation can also greatly reduce discomfort and prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
Physiotherapy is an effective choice for whiplash, a condition in which the soft tissues in your neck are damaged. Physiotherapy can help to increase blood circulation, reduce muscle spasms, and promote healing of the neck tissues.

back pain and neck

Your physiotherapy clinic Singapore may use a variety of passive treatments for whiplash including Deep Tissue Massage, Exercise Therapy, Ultrasound and Thermotherapy & Cryotherapy
Is back pain a normal part of aging?
Chronic pain that exists every day for at least six months could be very much due to other factors such as lifestyle choices and not aging.
Older people often do not seek help for their “expected” pain till their conditions take a turn for the worst.

Pain is not normal, nor is it a part and parcel of life. Get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan from a physiotherapist today if you have back pain.
I get back pain with prolonged sitting in office. Should I be concerned?
Overall discomfort and pain in the neck, back, and shoulders are common symptoms reported by employees who sit for most of their workday.

Sitting alters the normal curvature of the spine and puts pressure on the discs. With prolonged sitting, compression of the spinal cord at the level of cervical spine can take place, causing weakness and wasting of the upper limbs. This may then spread to the lower limbs, resulting in chronic back pain and possible nerve damage.

Apart from taking a break at least once every hour to walk around the office or stretch, you can also approach a Corporate Health & Ergonomics specialist to help reduce your risk for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs).

Neck and back pain can be a common discomfort but it is important to seek professional help when the pain persists.
Untreated pain can put extra strain on other muscle groups that are trying to compensate for deficient muscle groups. Click more physiotherapy for back pain