3 Things You Must Do Straight After Graduation

Let The Beautybox Studio Work Its Magic for these 3 Post-graduation Milestones

You have made it! After struggling through sleepless nights, loads of black coffee and energy drinks and bloodshot eyes, you have come to the finish line of your race. The yearned-for degree is now yours! Congratulations Mr or Ms Graduate! But Mr and Ms Graduate will need professional graduation photography services for three other things after graduation – the convocation photoshoot, creation, and update of the personal LinkedIn account, and for the resumes.

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The convocation photoshoot marks the culmination of all the years of struggle every graduate used to face, and the photoshoot is designed to celebrate the successful end of this struggle that ended with the much-awaited degree.

To build up the professional links that will be necessary for finding a good job and professional community after graduation, LinkedIn profiles will be essential and professional graduation photography services will be crucial to create the photographs that will show you in the best light to attract professional headhunters and recruiters.

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Some of those same photographs will be part of the resumes that you will send out to the companies and businesses that you yearn to be part of after graduation.

Research has shown that poorly taken resume photographs can adversely affect employment chances of job applicants, even if the resumes are professionally written.

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Make no mistake that you would want nothing but the best and most professional graduation photography services, and photo shoot services to ensure that your joyous moments – the start of your future – are taken from the best angle.  The Beautybox Studio is your photo studio of choice for these events.

All this brings me to fondly reminisce about my university convocation ceremony years ago. I remember the pride that my parents and sister felt when they attended the ceremony and their great pride when they saw me walk up to receive my degree scroll! Their joy was even greater when they saw the photographs taken of that event.

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But that joy at seeing me in my gown and clutching the degree scroll was fleeting compared to when my parents and sister joined me for the eagerly anticipated post-graduation convocation photography session. 

The photographers took great care to make sure that the lighting and ambience was adjusted to give the best photographs. Each person’s needs including touch-ups with light make-up were considered and met with joy and pride. 

The result was several graduation photographs that still occupy pride of place in our homes today! Many of those images were also used in my LinkedIn profiles and resumes, leading many of the interviewers I met to comment on how good I looked in the photographs!

When you engage The Beautybox Studio, rest assured that your convocation photo shoots, and subsequent photographs, will all be memorable! Every photograph will be a fitting memorial of the years of sweat and tears that finally led to the prize of the degree or diploma. 

The professional graduation photo shoot services from The Beautybox Studio are highlighted by excellent and detailed service! Every aspect of the needs of the graduate as well as those of the family members and loved ones will be considered so that everyone involved will have a joyous time taking part in the photo sessions.

Every step will be taken to ensure that every need is met, including selection of the right lighting and ambience to pull off a truly memorable portrait! When such care and concern is shown, the subjects know their roles and are more happy and joyful. This ensures that the photographs will be remembered by current and future generations.

With The Beautybox Studio, it goes without saying that you will get nothing less than the most professional graduation photo shoot services. Their professional photographers and stylists take pride in magically turning every photo shoot and photograph into masterpieces that bring joyful memories to each of their customers. Little wonder that The Beautybox Studio is proud of its wide repertoire of services and packages that suit the varied needs of their customers.

Choose from their professional graduation photography packages, which include wide varieties of services and promotions for everyone. There will be a suitable package for you!

Get the special Graduation Photography promotional package at just $188! The package is for single, couple and family photographs. The first 50 customers will receive a free corporate single headshot photograph for one graduate!

Do not hesitate and visit https://bit.ly/3uENTuC for more information.

This is even more reason why you should engage the professional graduation photography expertise of The Beautybox Studio if your loved one is celebrating his or her university graduation! Rest assured that they will give you an experience that you will never forget! Call 6835-3012 or visit https://www.beautyboxstudio.com.sg/ and you will not be disappointed.