Why It Is Important to Have an Affordable Dentist Near You

The Singapore Dental Association recommends that every individual visits a dentist at least once a year – whether they have a dental problem or not. Regular dental checkups can help prevent gum diseases and keep your teeth healthy. We do realize that dental care is not on the cheap side, this is why we understand how important it is to have an affordable dentist near you.

dentist visit

The sad truth is that many people have to go to the dentist only when they have a problem. For obvious reasons, the first thing you do when you have a dental problem (especially when its painful) is go to the dentist, and then fix it. Going to the dentist can be expensive for certain dental treatments services!

The cost of visiting the dentist is not the only thing you are bothered by. You may even have to wait days or even up to 2 weeks before you can have an appointment to see the dentist that you prefer.

Hence, we always recommend you to go back to your regular dentist as they will have your complete dental history records. Add to the fact that because you always go back to the same dental surgeon, he or she must be charging a reasonable fee. Or else, why would you even consider going back to the dentist?

For today’s article, we’ve compiled a list of dentist that operates in the Clementi area. We know that Clementi is a highly populated area with many people buying homes in this area due to their proximity to town.

Here are 4 dentists that we highly recommend.

1 Ginza Dental Surgery

About the Dentist: Dr Tan Boon Eng is one of the most senior dental surgeons operating in the Clementi area. She graduated from NUS in 1990 and has been serving the residents in Clementi for decades!

Operating Hours:

Monday to Friday (星期一至星期五)

9.30am – 12.30pm

2pm – 5pm

Saturday (星期六)

9.30am – 12.30pm

2:00pm – 4.30pm

Monday and Wednesday night (星期一及星期三晚上)

7:00pm – 9:00pm

Friday evening (星期五傍晚)

5.00pm – 7.00pm

Sunday & Public Holiday (星期日及公眾假期休息)


Website: https://www.ginzadental.com/dentist-near-clementi-amenities.php

2 Casa Dental (Clementi)

About the Dentist: Dr Chan Kwun Chung practises a wide range of dentistry with a special focus on dental implants treatment.

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday from 10am-9pm
Website: https://casadental.com.sg

3 B9 Dental Centre (Clementi)

About the Dentist: Dr Raymond Lim has been leading his team of dental surgeons and serving the West Coast residents with distinction for many years. B9 won the top 10 special achievement in dental care award – part of SIngapore’s Promising SME 500 initiative too!

Operating Hours: Call for an appointment
Website: http://www.b9dental.com

4 Smile Dental Clinic (Clementi)

About the Dentist: Dr Keith Hsu is the founder and managing director of Dr.Smile Dental Clinic. He is a sports enthusiast and he plays tennis and basketball frequently. Do chat with him on his travel tips too when you are visiting him for your dental needs.

Operating Hours: Mon – Fri 9a.m – 9p.m | Sat & Sun 9a.m – 5p.m
Website: https://drsmile.com.sg