There have been a number of fake messages and unfounded rumours circulating related to the Wuhan coronavirus. We’ll be listing the more widespread ones here for your reference:
Individual who died of virus – 26 Jan 2020
A HardwareZone Forum post claimed that a 66 year old man died in Singapore from a newly identified virus that caused him to develop severe pneumonia.
As of 11pm on 26 Jan 2020, there have been no deaths among confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus infection.
A General Correction Direction has been issued regarding the false statement.
Individual who died of virus – 25 Jan 2020
MOH is aware of rumours circulating online that there had been an individual who died of the Wuhan coronavirus infection at a shopping mall in Singapore. MOH clarifies that there had been no deaths among suspect or confirmed cases.
Travellers from Wuhan being turned away – 25 Jan 2020
ICA has clarified that a rumour of 100 arriving travellers from Wuhan being denied entry into Singapore is not true.
Avoiding visiting hospitals – 24 Jan 2020
A message being spread on Whatsapp told people to not visit certain public hospitals. MOH has clarified that all public hospitals in Singapore have strict protocols to handle suspect cases related to the Wuhan coronavirus. Suspect cases presented at hospitals will be immediately isolated and further assessed.
If you receive these messages or any other unsubstantiated information over WhatsApp or other online platforms, we urge you not to forward or circulate them. Remember, if you are not sure, don’t spread.
Help stop the spread of fake news
Spreading fake news can cause more anxiety and panic. Here are some useful info from the Media Literacy Council: